Summoned by the call of St Laurence’s College motto, facere et docere: To do and to teach, St Laurence’s College strives to implement the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition so that it is the ‘lived reality’ in the community.
The St Laurence’s College Vision is to be an authentic, dynamic, relational Catholic educational community.
- An authentic Catholic community that celebrates and reflects Edmund Rice’s vision of Presence, Compassion and Liberation by ‘acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8).
- A dynamic educational community for boys and young men that maximises their potential to be both active contributors to and prophetic voices within an ever-changing society.
- An inclusive community, which continuously seeks to create and renew respectful, compassionate relationships by which all can experience what it means to be fully human.
St Laurence’s College, through nurturing respectful and compassionate relationships, aims to:
- Foster Christian faith, personal worth and belonging through spiritual growth, reconciliation, compassion and generosity.
- Educate boys and young men holistically in spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social dimensions of life.
- Provide a safe and sustainable environment in which St Laurence’s College boys and young men learn and live.
- Inspire all to live lives of service, especially to the poor and marginalised, both locally and globally.