At Happy Tots on Pickering (Our Enoggera Childcare centre) we offer the following:
Here at Happy Tots on Pickering we believe we have simple and real values to share with our children and their families. We recognise and understand that for so many we are an extension of their families – we want everyone to feel welcomed, nurtured, cherished, safe and supported. We believe this equally for our children, their families and our fellow team members.
We create an educational program for the children that is based upon those home-like values, including; Play is respected as the true source of all learning for children. Children are respected as capable – that they must learn to know and understand their own capabilities so being able to take risk, to maybe fall and get back up and know that we will be there to help and cuddle them if this happens. We believe in intentional teaching – if children display an interest, we will offer opportunities to more deeply understand their interests – to explore the interest in multiple ways (physically, cognitively, creatively, socially etc). The spaces where they play are a reflection of them – comfortable, stimulating, restful and challenging. We ensure that our children know that they can take responsibility and have agency whilst they learn and grow – at their own pace.
We want our children to know that they are important. That they belong not only here, but that they are members of a larger community. That they have the capacity to make decisions about their own environment, they can understand other cultures and be excited about their influence on their learning opportunities and lives, they can have access to options and choices – therefore resourcing their own learning and practicing their agency.
As early childhood professionals, we commit to remaining open to an ongoing professional journey. We value difference, new ideas, understanding our families and their needs, understanding our children- their varied uniqueness and personalities are a constant inspiration and motivation to us. We are here because we know that what we do, and how we do it, can make a real difference in the lives of those we support.
We promise to strive to offer and achieve excellence in what we provide. We will involve our community in our exploration of continually improving. We want to know more, we want to include more, we want to practice kindness and respectful interactions, we want to learn more and we want to bring our community, team, families and children on this magical journey with us.