Department of Education Tasmania Logo

Department of Education Tasmania

Letitia House, Mount Nelson TAS, Australia

The Department of Education Tasmania is responsible for government education from the early years through to Year 12 as well as adult learning.

Our Values are


A culture of high expectations and high achievement

Aspiring to do better for our learners every day is a core focus of our work. Aspirations have a significant influence on both educational attainment and future life outcomes. We embody aspiration by modelling the behaviour we encourage in our learners – to move beyond current circumstances and focus on where we’d like to be.


Accepting challenges and embracing opportunities

Courage helps us effect change. We embody courage by thinking creatively and being brave, being innovative, not giving up and standing up for what’s important.


Improving by always learning and finding better ways to do things

Growth encompasses all types of learning including personal development, system improvement and organisational progress, focusing on the process of learning not on the results. We embody growth by laying foundations for our learners to improve, learn new skills and believe in their potential.


Respecting ourselves, others, our past, our future and our environment

Respect has many layers including respect for yourself, others, and the environment (such as how we relate to ourselves, one another, and our surroundings). We embody respect in our schools, Child and Family Learning Centres, libraries and community spaces through our belief in every individual’s worth and positive sense of identity, potential to interact with others, working together in respectful ways and developing respectful community connections.
